Sharing with Freedom

Join us in providing childhoods full of joy and opportunities

Our Mission

With the benefits and fortunes that we have, the Sharing with Freedom organization operates a big brother/big sister program that provides cultural experiences and academic mentoring for children of North Korean Defectors and under-resourced communities. Our goal is to empower and assist youth who have lived through socialist regimes, where limited political freedoms and state-controlled opportunities shaped their education and career paths. We strive to promote greater freedom of expression, offer diverse educational opportunities, and foster individualism and economic success, all of which profoundly influence their values, aspirations, and societal contributions. Our programs include: sports, tutoring, music, and field trips and are currently focused in Southern California.

저희 Sharing With Freedom은 현지 미국 학생들로 구성되어 북한 탈북자 자녀들과 소외 계층 어린이들에게 다양한 문화체험과 학교 수업에 도움을 제공하는 청소년 단체입니다. 이회 특별황동과, 음악, 스포츠 등을 통해 아이들에게 꿈을 키워주고 희망을 나누며, 여러분의 후원으로 운영되고 있습니다.